Saturday, September 13, 2008

First Time Blogging

is blogging even a word? anyways thought i would get on the wagon and go blog like the rest of you. so this is a start. I thought that if I blogged about my kids and what they are doing then I wouldn't forget. Lily is almost 2 months old and so big i can't believe it so i thought i would have to document some of the cute things she does, because there are soooo many of them. And of course my two other crazy children and all that they do, or break, or say. You just never know what they are going to do next. so here it is my first post. hope you like it.

1 comment:

Teresa said...

Whooo Hooo, I get to make the first comment! Welcome to the blogosphere.... where all your needs to talk about all the cool stuff that you and your family get to do comes alive! Its a ton of fun and a great way for others to know what't new with you and yours. Looking forward to many more postings!!!!!