James and his 50! So, many people know that james had been losing weight for a wrestling tournament in Vegas. I just wanted to document about it. He started in January and told me that he wanted to wrestle at the national tournament, i mean it's a big deal the winners go on to the usa team. He's told me that he wanted to do it for about 3 years now, and every year i say go ahead, kinda knowing that things get in the way (family, work, and stuff) that it doesn't work out. but this year he was serious and he wanted to get down to the 167 lbs class. i did not think he could do it. that was 50 lbs in 4 months. crazy. But he cut out soda (i know right), then ice cream and worked out every day. Then ate subway for lunch and was looking hotter and hotter. and everyday he would wake up and tell me he lost another pound or 2 in one day. I am happy when i lose a pound a week. anyways, he still thought he didn't look any different. even though he did. and that last week he scared me with eating practically nothing and being super cranky (because he loves food (like me!))but he made it and called me from Vegas saying he was 166. Before people look at me and say "why weren't you there?" the answer was 3 children, vegas, sweaty gym and 10 minutes of wrestling. James got it on video and all he wanted to do was win one match but that wasn't the case. he was going up against guys that were just out of college wrestling and he didn't really know all the rules. He was happy that he went, and he looks awesome. of course he didn't stay that weight, I think he's about 10 lbs more and that's good with me. and if you want to see the difference, check out our pics from christmas... you'll see.
James' 31st. For James' birthday me and the girls surprized him at school with some brownies. too bad his students had already got him donuts for breakfast. we stayed around for a little bit and sophia sang to him... TOOO CUTE! I asked him what else he wanted to do for his big day. we usually go to outback and get his favorite crab legs but Jason took him on a man date a couple says before to Red Lobster... (ps I hate seafood and if I walk into that place the smell of if makes me not good) but i said I would go this year but soooo relieved when Jason wanted to take my place. I usually make him anything he wants for dinner, and I had asked him days before what he wanted. That night he came home and said he wanted pizza and wings. We even had a baby sitter if we wanted to go out to a movie. But he just wanted to stay in a rent a movie. So that's what he did. I was feeling kinda sad that that was his bday. we do that kinda thing almost every friday night. So we had a little ice cream party, with all the fixin's it was fun. Anyways james is 31 now a thirty something. poor him. I plan on staying 30 for a couple more years.
8 years ago
Happy Birthday James. I admire your drive to lose weight, especially so quickly. It is hard work. I also admire your determination to work on the goal of going to vegas a wrestling.
Happy belated birthday! I can't beleive how much weight you've lost, what's your secret??
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