i've always wanted a garden. i mean i'm a cook and i love fresh veggies from the garden. when we were making our backyard last year we set a place aside for it and said that we would do it this year. and we did. james built a planter for me on the side of the house, perfect sun and shade. and in one day my mom and i had it ready to plant. i have rosemary, thyme, basil, tomatoes, 3 different squash (no zuchini though :(, peppers, strawberries, cucumbers (but they didn't make it) and swiss chard which i found out does awesome out here and is so beautiful. Cullen wanted watermelon and then yesterday he planted his pumpkin seeds that he saved from his pumpkin at halloween. we'll have to see how those do. anyways, it's a cute perfect little garden to make our backyard complete.
8 years ago
WAY FUN!! It looks like our cantelope and honeydew have died, but everything else is flourishing! It will be way fun for your kids to watch it all grow!
There is something about planting a garden that makes me feel natural and permanent and grounded. I can't really describe it, but watching something grow from almost nothing is really great! Good luck!
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