Friday, February 20, 2009

Lila at 7 months

Time goes by so fast. Lily is now 7 months old. She now can totally crawl anywhere she wants, which means my floor had better be clean, because if not she is the vacuum. On valentines day she picked up one of the kids Hersey kisses in the foil and when i found her with chocolate all over her face, she had managed to suck all the melted chocolate out of the foil so that was all that was left in her mouth. She is still very petite though, even though she is growing just fine, she only weighs 14 lbs. 1 oz and is 25 inches long. She's in the 5th percentile for height and 10th for weight. but you know me i'm totally ok with her being short. it was just fun to call up Delaine and tell her because her 2 month old son, Liam, is 13#10oz. which is pretty close. So now that Lily can crawl she has new tricks, she can sit up great and go from crawl to sit easy and vise versa, and hold on to things and get on her knees, as you can see. but the shocker of it all is one morning after her nap i went to get her and she was STANDING holding on to crib, i guess it's time to move her bed down. she's got two months to walk,(sophia was 9 months) so i better get ready for that. She also decided that she likes to scream, not cry at night. i've been trying to let her cry to sleep but now she's smarter and just screams like crazy until I come get her. but i'm ok with her schedule now, she goes to sleep at 8(with my other kids) wakes up about 11:34 then sleeps till 6:00 so that's most of the night. Her hair is coming in more now and her eyes should stay blue, but they are different than Cullen's her's are more gray and his are light. Still No "MAMA" yet, i'm kinda tired of hearing "dada" all the time. anyways, she's cute and we love her around, still a super good baby.



The Fergy Bunch said...

She is so cute! That's funny that she got herself a piece of candy. =) You sure do have a cute family, I'm happy for you! =)

Tera said...

What a darling little girl! I love the crawling stage. It's nice when they find ways to entertain themselves. She is very petite and I'm sure your arms appreciate it. Ethan is 18 pounds at 6 months and my arms hurt!

Dave and Cindy, and then some... said...

You forgot to mention her cute little growl! I love little Lilly-pad!

Unknown said...

My nephew (Otto Lungresn grandson) is 4 months old and has his 20 pounds.
Your kids are so so so cute

Teresa said...

WOW! She is getting so big! She is really an adorable little lady. Sounds like she is having loads of fun with the rest of the fam. Can't wait for our Bella to meet Lily :)