Saturday, June 13, 2009

Lemonade Stand

For a year, Cullen has been asking me for a lemonade stand. I told him when it got hot enough. Well, a couple of weeks ago I saw the perfect opportunity. Some of our neighbors were having garage sales, and we were the house in the middle. So if you went to one you would drive past us to get to the other. And... The Sulzs were moving in two houses down and a good group of guys from the ward were helping them move. You know those guys could get a little parched from moving all that heavy furniture. Cullen was so excited and ran down to the garage sale and announced that he was selling lemonade and it was only one quarter. He was such a business man though, he would only start pouring the lemonade after he recieved the money. So many people were so generous and nice. Cullen had all the neighborhood kids around, he loved it. after two pitchers of lemonade we switched to kool-aid. So he ran down and announced again "come down to my house we have something new to drink." He did very well and ended up making $20.60 in 2 hours. He went the next week with Grandma and bought a new star wars lego set. We will probably do it again when the heat returns.
good thing he had his Light Saber just incase something bad was going to happen.


amylarson said...

How great! What a kid! Cullen definitely has some of his dad in him :)

MnM said...

Wow I can't believe he made that much money. Way to go Cullen!